Sunday, December 16, 2012

Far Cry 3

Note: This Review Is Under Review.

Hey Guys, I've finally got to play Far Cry 3. It is awesome because the Open-World+ stealth+ first Person shooter make it real Life-Like. The campaign is really similar to Assassin' Creed but it's still the best game I've ever played. The storyline is one of the easiest ones, you know you're in an island for vacation and you land on a territory full of crazy people. The characters are really the best I've ever seen, their way of talking, their attitudes, and of course my favorite character is Vaaz, I mean his way of talking his I'm the king of the jungle and I can do everything I want attitude made him memorable. The game has millions of weapons and this make a wide choice of how to kill the enemy. You can either get into a battle and kill everybody at the same time, or stealth kill everybody. So far I haven't seen a puzzle but there are a lot of transportation ways. I don't play the Multi-player but there is a bug that says there is a server error.

+ Smooth commands
- Server error
+ Cool Storyline
+Very big armory


Thank you all for reading! All Comments and Followers are appreciated!

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