Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Following Is Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Review.

Warning: Following might be spoilers on the Assassin's Creed Series read at your own risk!


The Assassin's Creed series has always come through with new ways to make people enjoy those games. First Altair facing the Third Crusades, then Ezio Auditore Da Firenze showed us Italy and Old Constantinople, finally Connor and Haytham took us to the old native America.
Ubisoft has been testing on us for an "Ultimate Perfect Game" and I believe they're getting closer. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag shows us how much Ubisoft cares about our opinion. Black Flag introduces a new character, a Pirate named Edward Kenway (Yes, He is Haytham Kneway's Father.) has not only an interesting and surprising Caribbean open world, It also has an overwhelming Storyline that is funny and at the same time full of little details that make you want to play more. Pirates and Privateers play a huge role in Black Flag's story. As a pirate you have absolutely NO loading screen between Land and the JackDaw, Edward's ship. The naval Warfare introduces new features like boarding a ship and a binocular you can use to see other ships' infos.
Black Flag isn't a perfect spotless game its poor graphics and glitches are really annoying. I couldn't stand seeing my fellow pirate floating in the air as my ship got destroyed, I also had to restart my game because the guard I was following got stuck in a wall.
What about the Animus. When you're back on Earth and not in a computer program you find yourself in an entertainment facility and your job is to go through a "generous donator's memories", this so generous donator is called Desmond Miles. When you're first back out in the real world a young lady introduces you to Obstergo Entertainment, which is where you work. The young lady first tells you that you're a volunteer for a project  that will allow buyers to virtually visit countries and free roam them.
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag introduces brand new features to the series, it is interesting to see how Ubisoft improved the series over time.


+ Wide and Easy Accessible Open World
+ Interesting Story-Line
+ Man New Features
- Mean Graphics Glitches


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