Friday, February 22, 2013

I'm Back-Black Ops 2

Hey guys I'm back. I've been kind of busy because... I got the Xbox Kinect, I had to setup the new Xbox, and buy the games. But this hard work got paid off.............. I got Black Ops II. I bought this game mostly because of the Zombie Mode and MultiPlayer. I was excited by the Campaign too but I finished it in two days. The storyline is a little confusing, for me most not having played any of the call of duty games.
In the story you'll switch between 3-4 characters, and that's confusing but in the cut-scenes the pieces get back together, or if you've played Black Ops it is more clear to you. Menendez is the main enemy but in the story you'll find some other minor enemies.The weapons and accessories, like sticky gloves and invisible jackets you'll see during the game are pretty awesome.
The graphic is not bad but not even the best but I can live with it and I found a couple of Glitches I can post if you guys would like me to but I didn't find any bugs at all.
The MultiPlayer as some pretty awesome modes like capture the flag and the Zombie mode with the new Revolution DLC (that by the way I'm gonna download).

-Too short campaign
+Awesome LoadOut

Let me know your opinion and your rate on this game in the Comment section below please.

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